“I guess educators do not to speak a common language about the craft of teaching and don’t have or carry the same calibration of what quality teaching and learning looks like."

As I enter into parenthood, I am caught up with great concerns, especially around the future of my son, I have seen friends, relatives and fellow parents on and about in a quest to find the So-called “Good School or the idea of better or good education” for their kids, interestingly teachers themselves are also caught up in the same stressful and unsure activity as the rest of us. 

Teachers and school principals are also in the quest for better education for their kids, now this creates  quite an interesting concern for me. The same people whom we believe that are providers, facilitators  and are important  instruments  of the idea  of a good education are seeking  along side with the rest of us becomes a problem.

If teachers themselves lack confidence in the work or service they provide and also carry a conviction that there is one that does or provide a better service than they, if teachers and principals undermine their own skills, ability to render a quality and value added teaching and learning to their own kids.What more about our kids we entrust in their care to provide the same service of which they see no value or lack the quality to invest in? 

“Would you put your child in this school?” This question is critical because it does not only affect the parent, but  it affects the Teachers, Principals, School Governing Bodies, Parents , learners , Learner Representative Council s and the community around the school .

I guess the reality of having freedom is far more complex as its opens us to new challenges such as our ideas on quality education, equal education and better schools and our understanding on the role of government and affected parties or stakeholders on the subject of education.

The art of making things work.

What I have realized in these so-called

better school, is that there are a lot of activities that take place in order to make the school the best school or high performing school as I may put it.

There is a lot of positive contribution, participation and investments made by all interested parties, stakeholders and parents themselves both in capital and human capital, the community around the school participate and contribute meaningfully and resources wise to ensure that the school achieves desired results, teachers ensure that they have a common language about the craft of teaching and have the same calibration of what quality education is.  

The principal or headmaster is vested in the above and ensure that effective leadership, supervision and management is applied, as a leader, he or she is aware or is familiarized with new developments around the subject of effective teaching and learning and the enrollment of a curriculum. Therefore provides adequate support and necessary resource to ensure that the idea of a quality and value added teaching and learning is achieved.

Both teachers, the principal   and interested supporting bodies such SGB’s and other community members who believe in the idea of value creation ensures that parents and learner participation is encouraged and enforced positively to promote effective consultation, collaboration, meaningful contribution and role playing aimed not only in attaining good grades but also the making of a high-performance school system that we all want our kids to be part of.

The greatest question is when we get to these so called best school, what our contribution is or what value do we bring, besides paying tuition fees and buy books and uniforms. Do we participate and contribute meaningfully or do we invest both financially and in human capital to ensure continuity or we are just looking for a best place that provides best education where we can send our kids?  

What role do you play in this quest for quality and value added education for your child and what role do you play in this ongoing struggle for quality and equal education for all?

“Sometime we must show the government what we want instead of wanting the government to show us what we want.....remember it is the government by the people for the people not the other way around.”   - Paballo Diboke - 


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