As we Collectively Work Towards a Long Lasting Solution
I believe if we are to succeed and work on a long lasting solution to world problems and our problem as a nation we need to explore the idea of group thinking or what I call collective intellect. In order for us to solve major social issues we need to make it a collective effort, we need to understand that the effect of a problem and its impact whether positive or negative is different from one person to another.
If we take fees must fall or free education now movement, young people are not the only people affected but there are lots of other role players that affected by this.
This highlight an important fact that making education is not the solution but part solution, in order for us to have a free and sustainable education we need to understand that all stakeholders should be involved and should express how the free education now idea will affect them and what impact it should have moving forward both on young people, universities, and colleges, concerned government departments, private business, private individuals with interest, concerned NGOs and society as whole (which includes parents).
In our collective thinking out of this challenge, we will need to address the following challenges as part of the fees must fall:
- - High Tertiary dropout
- - Career choice ( 80% of young are into Social Sciences )
- - Scares skills
Most important of all it is the nature and quality of the free education we would like to provide, which business will or can inform on the challenges they would like this kind of education to address therefore assisting in designing the nature of impact it should have within the private sector, so as the government and other concerned parties or institutions.
We cannot solve a social challenge in a silo as institutions or as individuals, I believe we will also end up with part solutions but not long lasting solutions with a powerful impact that changes live and communities.
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