Our ability to change is our greatest gift as human beings.....

Our ability to change is our greatest gift as human beings. It enables us not only to develop new capabilities but to truly transform into our best selves …

A Chinese proverb says, “Talk doesn’t cook rice.”

The hard reality is that we only bring something new into being in ourselves through action.
Reading and talking to others can give us insight and support; can offer valuable reflection on what’s working and what’s not, but only if we are doing the heavy lifting in the first place.
The brain only changes through experiences. You can’t create new neural pathways by wishing you were different. Or talking or reading about being different.

To truly change requires three things: desire, intent, and persistence. You have to identify what you desire enough to be willing to stick to and make your intention actionable through SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goals just like you probably do with your team. You can’t truly change if you have only the desire and intent without the persistence.

We often expect too much of ourselves and we often expect to change overnight. When that doesn’t happen, we resign ourselves to staying the same, convinced that we are hopeless, weak, or unmotivated, which makes us even more stuck. But when we look at change as an opportunity for experimentation, learning and discovery, it helps us be more patient, persistent, and maybe even enjoy in the process.

Change How You Change: 7 insights for faster positive habit formation Change This Manifest | 148.01

 M. J. Ryan works as a senior executive coach to executives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners around the world.


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