SUCCESS-DRIVEN PHILOSOPHY: Philosophical examination of your own life can help you achieve
let's get philosophical it is not as hard as it seems, instead it more of a journey to discovery and exploration.
“Virtue (arete) then is a settled disposition of the mind determining the choice of actions and emotions, consisting essentially in the observance of the mean relative to us, this being determined by principle, that is, as the prudent man would determine it.” Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, II vi 15, translated H. Rackham (1934: Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press)
Whether you choose to focus on goal-driven success or being driven success, philosophical examination can help you achieve it. By understanding what you truly believe, you will choose the right S.M.A.R.T* goals and the methods of living and being your highest self.
Thinking about philosophy is a great way to keep your mind sharp, develop your critical thinking, analysis and communication skills. No great philosopher was ever accused of being an idiot.
A lot of people think that philosophy is something done by “philosophers”, with nothing better to do than sit around and ask a lot of strange and useless questions like “What is reality?” and “What is ethical?” But the fact is, you do have a worldview and a concept of morality.
You believe that certain things are right and wrong, or good and bad. You have a way of figuring out what is true or false, and what is real or illusion, but better understanding and systematizing those methods will further allow you to fully and clearly articulate your beliefs and ease the road to success.
I believe you owe it to yourself to find out what you really think?
Knowing how to live the best life possible is meaningless if you don’t have this knowledge specifically tailored to who you are as a person.
SUCCESS-DRIVEN PHILOSOPHY: Finding Clarity of Purpose and Achieving Arête through Philosophical Examination
– By Joshua Goldman & Jason Shen-
The Success-Driven Philosophy Blog
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