Living bold :“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure"

Consider what you are trading if you let fear win out over risk. Living bold means you pursue your passion despite setbacks and fears. There is nothing better than living an authentic, flexible, brave, scary, passion-filled life. Create a life where you look forward to every day, and not just weekends and vacations. That life awaits on the other side of risk. 

As another wise woman once said:
“Do not stop thinking of life as an adventure. 

You have no security unless you can live bravely, excitingly, imaginatively, unless you can choose a challenge instead of competence.”— ELEANOR ROOSEVELT

Don’t be attached to outcomes. Running my own business certainly has its risks, but I feel more in control of my future today than I did when I worked for someone else. 

Even during tough times, John and I joke that at least no one can fire us. We can tell ourselves that we are safe and avoid choices that scare us, but when we do, we put something else at risk, like a goal, adventure, a dream or our potential. 

Staying safe puts the life you want at risk. So direct your sail and see what happens. You’ll learn something important no matter what. 

Try not to be attached to any one outcome. I know how hard that is, but it is also liberating. Sometimes we can’t see the true outcome of our actions. Sometimes our thinking is not big enough. Oftentimes our actions lead to unexpected benefits. Allow for that flexibility. Don’t limit yourself by becoming too attached to outcomes. Instead of controlling, try observing. Surrender to the unfolding of the events in your life. Who knows what’s behind curtain number two or what’s in store with Plan B.

Be Bold


Changethis Menifesto: Issue 141-03

Published May 4, 2016, 11:00 a.m.


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