AS We Think Greatest Thoughts : When You are Frustrated by a Delay and how to learn from it
“All great achievements require time.” ~Maya Angelou
We get attached a timeline for achieving it. We fantasize
about the results and how they will bring us happiness.
We begin to work hard to attain it.
But when we don’t get it right away, we get frustrated. We
want things to move as quickly as possible.
If we want a relationship, we want to find our perfect
partner as soon as we can. If we’re building a career or a business, we want
success in months. If we want to master a skill, we expect to get good after
several weeks.
I want the results now. I want the validation. I want
to make sure
that I’m not wasting time and that what I’m doing means
something. But I’m learning that it doesn’t work like that.
When we resist this period, it creates a lot of anxiety,
but if we look closer we may find that the delay contains great lessons for us.
I’ve been trying to live a more intentional life of
happiness and meaning. But the anxiety I’m feeling doesn’t align with what I
say I want and it’s not even getting me closer to it. I’m creating more delay.
I procrastinate, I resist, and I sulk.
So I’ve made a conscious decision to understand the lessons.
It was difficult at first, especially since I felt that “must
have it now” feeling. The last thing I wanted to hear was that I needed
to wait some more. I resisted this because I deluded myself into thinking that
if I ignored it, perhaps things would move along at a faster speed.
But over time, as the lessons got clearer, I got more inner
peace and reassurance that things are moving at the right time.
1. A delay is an opportunity to let go of attachment to outcomes.
When we let go of our attachment to specific outcomes, we’re better able to concentrate on our craft. This is something to appreciate, because what happens if the result isn’t what you imagined it to be? Will you stop creating? Will you stop working on your passion?
2. A delay can help us realize how badly we want it.
Do you want it badly enough to keep working at it despite
not getting the immediate result you want?
3. A delay can help us build a stronger foundation.
It prepares us and helps us develop our muscles.
Get better at your craft. Figure out ways you can better use
it to serve others.
We practice and learn during this waiting period so that
when the time comes, we are equipped to handle it better.
4. A delay can teach us to think outside the box.
When our way is not working and we’re cornered, it can force
us to come up with new ideas and new ways of doing things.
5. A delay can teach us to accept that anything
worthwhile takes time.
It takes time for things to grow. It takes time to build
trust. It takes time to build anything.
The sooner we get this, the sooner we’ll free
ourselves from anxiety, and the faster we’ll focus on doing what we
need to do.
6. A delay can teach us to be productive while waiting.
When we’re able to accept that some things are out of our
control and that things don’t always happen as fast as we’d like them to, we’re
better able to be productive, since we’re not overwhelmed and distracted by fear
and anxiety.
7. A delay can teach us to acknowledge and appreciate
With conscious effort, I can see my accomplishments and all
the progress I have made so far instead of discounting it just because I’m not
yet where I want to be.
This is important because it’s removed the resistance that
kept me from doing the work I needed to do; plus, I feel more fulfilled.
8. A delay can teach us to be grateful for what we will
Because I have put in my sweat and tears in starting my
dream from the ground up, I will make sure I will do whatever it takes to
nurture it and not take it for granted.
A delay is not a denial. Just because something isn’t
happening now, that doesn’t mean it’s not for us.
I still get impatient but it’s getting easier because I know
that a delay can serve a greater purpose and our greatest good.
So, if you’re going through a tough time right now and
something isn’t quite materializing yet, hang in there. Find reassurance in
knowing that a delay can benefit you.
You may not see it now, but hold on to this faith. This will
help you find inner peace and enable you to keep taking action so you can get
closer to what it is you want.
Greatest thoughts by Janice L. Pascual - Striving
to live a meaningful life. Combining two loves: cartoons and spirituality to
create Mind Snapshots. Web Comics
for the soul.
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