16 June 1995 – Reflections from Mandela ‘speech

 Mandela strongly believed that education is the most important asset that our youth should acquire; and that for the government to succeed in improving education, it must have the support of students, teachers and parents alike.

We are doing all this because we know that, without education, our efforts to provide jobs, better health facilities, water, electricity and other needs, will not be sustained.

He advised the young people to remember: at the end of the day, your progress will depend on how you apply yourselves to your work. The road to a better life demands hard work. It demands discipline, patience, and responsibility.

The youth, as the future of our country, have an important part to play in shaping our new democratic constitution.

I am confident that South Africa's youth is more than ready to meet the challenge of freedom. Wherever you are - in the schools, in religious institutions, at work, in the army and police services, in sporting bodies, as cultural workers... be assured that we love you all and you shall always remain in our hearts. 

We are firm in our conviction that you deserve a better future.

Together let us build that bright future.


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