GREATEST THOUGHTS: Why is aesthetics so important in art?

Painting or any form of art is mainly composed of two parts – the creative or the innovative part, and skill or craft. Even these two aspects of art aren’t independent – they are often dependent on one another. For example, we might consider a painter who has a lot of skill but there is a lack of creativity.

The painter might initially start painting after taking inspiration from other paintings or even nature but gradually as he will gather more experience, he will not only improve his skill but also have more ideas for new paintings, hence, his creativity will improve significantly too.
Now, we come to the aesthetics in art. But, before we start discussing that topic, we need to have a clear idea of what aesthetics actually is. 

Aesthetics is a part of philosophy which tries to decipher the nature of art; in layman terms, it is a set of rules which help us in judging a piece of art. The fact that art stems from philosophy makes sense because our perception of art is mainly dependent upon the human nature, hence, it is natural that aesthetics is philosophical.

So now that we know what aesthetics means, we come to the question – why is aesthetics so important in art?

The following reasons should answer the question –

Aesthetics is important because it helps us understand and judge the various qualities one will find in art.

Aesthetics helps painters judge their paintings by themselves. Without it, they would have to rely on others to judge the quality of their work. But aesthetics helps them realize their current skill level so that they don’t have to depend on others and can improve on their own.
Aesthetics can be considered as a school of thoughts to review art. This can be of immense help when you are describing your painting to your colleagues or even critics.

Suppose you receive different opinions from them.
Now, without aesthetics, you will have to consider each of them, but aesthetics provides you the power to validate them so you can realize which criticisms are actually correct.
It helps you to better understand your interests with respect to art. You will find that art aesthetics help you become more creative and will also assist in coming up with better ideas for art in the future.

It gives you a better idea of the art of the past. Many people, especially modern artists, consider that old painting techniques are now obsolete but you can always learn a great deal from those ancient techniques and even modify them according to your needs.
Art isn’t restricted to just paintings. 

There is art in every aspect of life; even how you handle your daily tasks can be considered a form of art. For example, there is an art to performing at your work place optimally or managing a business in the proper manner. And if you want to improve your skills in these jobs, or even improve your daily lifestyle, you need to consider aesthetics while reviewing, and this is what makes it an integral part of art.

Greatest thoughts: Art Philosophy by Artnaudas


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