ASKING BEAUTIFUL QUESTIONS: Are We Conditioned To Live With Problems?
I believe that we are all aware of all the challenges that we are faced with as young people and as communities; these are not but growing challenging which seem not to be solution or way out. These are challenges of which some of us have embraced and accepted as part our daily lives.
These are same that challenges that our children are and will be born into and just like us they might choose to embrace them as the abnormal that now normal.
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Photo by Daily Maverick |
Unless we ask ourselves questions like: are we conditioned to live with problems or are our brains conditioned to live with problems, is this how are we to live as nations that embrace challenges instead of solving or providing solutions. We all aware that unemployment, health, education and housing is a long standing problem or challenge we were facing and still we are and with this new challenges are here and some of these challenges are unique or complex. Such as human trafficking, drugs the list goes on.
All our life from birth until death, we are beset, worn out by problems—worry, uncertainty, and perpetual conflict, struggle, pain, anxiety, all the rest of it. So shouldn’t we together find out how to deal with them? That is the first question.
Though it seems obvious that some have opted to choose to embrace and accept the abnormal as normal, the few who have not need to realize that we cannot solve these challenges as individuals for they are not individual problems though they also affect us as individuals.
So are we conditioned to live with problems that much that we are convinced that we cannot do without, that we believe that it part of our lives to abuse and kill each other, to steal from one another? If it has become ok to be homeless, unemployed and uneducated, if this is the freedom we fought for and died for, as a nation and as young people we not free at all but we are enslaved by crime, poor services delivery, inability to work together as communities.
With all that we go through, not being able to afford a basic livelihood, and not being able to move about freely without fear of being mugged, robbed or killed. The question is - Why are we not doing anything about it.
Are we raised to live with problems, is our education conditioning us and our brains to live with problems. Is this how are we ought to live?
I believe we need to ask these questions maybe we will understand why we have lived with these problems for so long and we are still willing to carry them to our future.
How are we free when we allow others to cause us to live in fear, anxiety, and doubt? What kind of freedom is this? Unless it is the kind that we fought for, the kind we died for and the kind that we willing to die defending it.
Then surely were are conditioned to live with problems, we rather embrace that than solve, we rather hope for a savior than come together and work towards solutions that will free us to enjoy the freedom we so much speak and pride ourselves with.
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