The impact of doing nothing is incalculable.
But the impact of doing nothing doesn’t stop with one child
or woman. The damage spreads beyond that child or woman to every person the
child or woman touches.
You impact the people around you.

Just as the butterfly’s wings can change the weather, your
tiny movements may create storms that shake the entire earth.
Your impact is
incredible, and today is the day you can take charge of it.
Similar to the
ever-expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, the
Impact Factor is the chain reaction that occurs when a small change causes a
similar change nearby, which then causes another similar change, and so on in
sequence like a falling row of dominoes.
People feel your influence
countless times, in amazing ways you never notice. Just as the butterfly’s
wings can change the weather, your tiny movements may create storms that shake
the entire earth.
Greatest Thoughts by Best-selling author Ken McArthur has enabled thousands of
people to achieve amazing impact by championing the philosophy that
partnerships and collaboration build value for everyone.
So much positivism